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“Practice kindness all day to everybody and you will realize you’re already in heaven now.” – Jack Kerouac


  • Event date: 18/12/2019
  • Total Photos: 28
Description: A Saviour has been born to you, He is Christ the Lord. Luke:2:11 Christmas is a time to forgive and give. A festival which inspires the spirit of sharing and caring. Reviving the spirit of Christmas, a special assembly was conducted by the students of Classes I - III of Somerville School, Greater NOIDA on 18th December 2019.The significance of the festival was enacted well, bringing out the reason for celebrating Christmas through the Nativity play depicting the birth of Christ. The students participated with enthusiasm and gaiety. They sang, acted and danced with joy and confidence. The young talents mesmerized the audience with a scintillating dance performance on the foot tapping number “Jingle Bells”. Our Head Mistress Ms.Shefali Egbert gave a beautiful message of how God chose to send His Son to be born among mankind for their salvation. It was a fun-filled day and the children went back with the message that Christmas is a time to experience happiness of being loved and to be loved, and to share it with everyone.