The Smart class is a comprehensive solution designed to assist teachers in meeting
day to day classroom challenges and enhancing a student’s academic performance with
simple, practical and meaningful use of technology.
The Smart class program in Somerville School, Greater NOIDA is implemented by TataEdge.
The content repository consists of thousands of highly animated, lesson specific,
3D and 2D multimedia modules built with an Instructor-led design that allows the
teacher to effectively transact the lesson in a typical classroom of a diverse set
of learners.
The school provides an effective learning environment, which enables the child to
understand the world around him, explore it and learn from it.
The school has two full-fledged libraries, one for the Senior wing and the other
for the Junior Wing. Both the libraries have spacious reference and reading areas
to benefit the students in their pursuit of knowledge.
These libraries are well equipped with educational CD’s, Audio and Video Cassettes,
large number of books on different subjects along with invaluable reference books
which can be consulted in the Library. The students also have access to the latest
Newspapers and Educative Magazines.

Senior Library
Junior Library
The departments of Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Computer Science, Mathematics and
Social Science are provided with fully-equipped independent laboratories to keep
the students in touch with the latest developments. Our labs are a wonderful place
for children to nurture their inquisitiveness and enhance their scientific quests.
They offer a conducive environment for the teaching learning process. ‘Learning
by Doing" is the mantra on which these labs function.
Physics is a fundamental part of science. The most satisfying part of Physics is
experimentation. Our Physics Laboratory provides ample opportunities to the students
for ‘Learning by experimentation’. The laboratory is well equipped with the latest
equipments and can accommodate 40 students at a time.
The Chemistry Laboratory plays an important part in allowing students to perform
scientific experiments in the same way that professional scientists do. The School
has a chemistry laboratory equipped with the latest state of the art apparatus and
is well stocked with chemicals required for conducting practicals as per the CBSE
Our Chemistry Laboratory is well equipped with the proper equipment to perform effective
experiments. The Laboratory has good quality glassware and chemicals. There are
adequate arrangements to protect the safety of budding scientists. The emphasis
is on giving ‘hands on experience’, to inculcate a habit of inquisitiveness and
an opportunity to explore and give shape to new ideas. Here students learn about
preparation methods, identification and estimation of chemical substances.
A biologist always likes to be in the laboratory for internal joy, to satisfy his/her
curiosity and to find the truth about the life around, be it animal, plant or a
micro organism. To develop the same in our students, the Biology Laboratory is complete
with all the equipments necessary. The students perform experiments and learn about
the ‘wonder’ in every form of life. It is an amazing experience for them which they
do not forget to share with others.
The laboratory has a large number of specimens of plants and animals. The prize
possession of the Biology laboratory is its computerized microscope. The laboratory
thus provides a perfect environment for the young enthusiasts who work in it.
The school has two fully equipped Computer labs-the Senior and Junior Computer labs.
Each child works independently on a computer. The machines and softwares are updated
as and when new and better technology is available in the market.
Both the Laboratories are equipped with Audio and Video facility where dedicated
systems are connected to a Television through PC-TV Converter.
The students of Classes I to V go to the Junior Computer Laboratory, where they
learn and practice practically whatever has been taught in the class room.
The students of Classes VI to XII go to the Senior Computer Laboratory where they
work ‘Hands on Practice’ on Computer basics, Presentations, Programming, Projects,
Web Designing and Animations.

Senior Computer Lab
Junior Computer Lab
The school has a computerized Mathematics Lab managed by NIIT. The laboratory is
a novel concept which enables students to learn and explore mathematical concepts
and verify facts and theorems.. This revolutionary approach towards student-centric
explorative learning, takes Mathematics Hands on, making the students learn the
concepts in a fun & playful manner. The digital multimedia, colourful books, intriguing
manipulative, interesting mathematical tools and charts make learning an immersive
The various Multimedia tools, Physical manipulative and Activities help students
imagine and observe the various facets of Mathematics
In the age of globalization, our students are curious to know more about the location,
job opportunities, lifestyle, and human development across the globe. Maps of various
countries of the world and India in the Geography Laboratory quenches the thirst
of the students to know the locational extent, and these are used to enhance the
dimension of their graphical knowledge.
The equipments of Aerial Photography, Remote Sensing and GIS are helpful to introduce
the new techniques in Geography among the students. The weather instruments play
a vital role to create the interest of students about Weather Forecasting, Monsoon,
Precipitation, Humidity, Atmospheric Pressure and Winds. Models of the Interior
of the Earth, Solar System and Volcanoes etc., encourages the creativity and imagination
among the learners.
It is the ‘Geography Laboratory’ which supplements the knowledge about the Directions,
Local Time, Standard Time, International Dateline, Map Projections, Latitudes and
Longitudes through the various other instruments and provides a sound base to the
“Music speaks what cannot be expressed,
Soothes the mind and give it rest,
Heals the heart and make it whole
Flows from heaven to the soul”
It is said that Music can reach where the rays of the Sun cannot. It touches even
the hardest of souls and is the continuous source of joy for the listener and the
performer. The School wants every child to have the joy of enjoying music. We have
both the Western and Indian forms of Music. There are separate rooms for the instruction
of Vocal and Instrumental music. The students are taught to play instruments and
sing in both the forms.
The Music rooms (Indian and Western ) are equipped with instruments like synthesizers,
guitars, drums, congo, sitars, tabla, harmonium, cajón etc.
“Dancing is poetry with arms and legs”
Dancing is the hidden language of the soul, our students are encouraged to express
their emotions and creativity through the various dance forms taught in the School.
Students of the School are taught various forms of dances from Contemporary to Classical
including Folk dances and Western dances.
“Art is subtle and delicate and it makes the mind also in its movement subtle and
The School believes that there is an artist in every child and children are naturally
artistic. Keeping this in mind all the students are encouraged to develop their
creative ability and express themselves through their Art and Craft.
For the all-round development of students, this centre enhances the progress of
a child by developing self confidence working on the basis of the child’s own experience,
extending their understanding and discovering and satisfying their curiosity.

Art Room
These magazines, which are in the form of visual displays on prominent bulletin
boards in the school, are meant specifically to keep the students informed on subjects
of topical interest. Preparation for these magazines entails a great deal of research
and involves the students in useful and productive activity which gives them not
only an awareness of vital issues, thereby increasing their general knowledge, also
educating them in different forms of art and craft. It helps to develop their aesthetic
The school plays an important role in enhancing educational competence as well promoting
the psycho-social development of the children and adolescents. Today’s children
have to cope with heavy syllabi and the stress of examinations. This often creates
problems of loss of sleep and appetite, behavioral problems and declining academic
Our school offers specialized services of a full time School Counselor and Wellness
Teacher for addressing academic, emotional and behaviour problems in children.
Keeping the safety of the students and staff in the School, CCTV with High Definition
cameras have been fitted in every nook and corner of the School including the classrooms.
There is a room where every movement is monitored carefully by a responsible person.
The CCTV In-Charge monitors, reports and maintains the important happenings in the
CCTV cameras have been very helpful in monitoring the movements of the students.
The Audi Visual Room specially designed for Power Point Presentations, Workshops
and Seminars is spacious and well equipped with all facilities required for the
It has the capacity to accommodate over 150 students. It has an LCD projector and
a P.A. system permanently installed for the smooth functioning of the activities
The school also has a projection screen which is used to show presentations outside
the A.V. Room.
The school has an efficient and well-organized transport system consisting of its
own fleet of more than 30 buses. These buses offer school bus services to the children
and teachers from NOIDA as well as from Greater NOIDA. The school has drivers and
conductors who are well-trained and experienced.
The buses leave the school only after the school teacher checks that each child
who ought to be on the bus has actually boarded the bus. The transport in-charge
and the teachers ensure the safety of the children.
The School infirmary is fully equipped with medical facilities for the check-up
of the students and a qualified nurse who attends to the medical needs of students.
There is also provision for handling emergencies during school hours.
Dr. Alok Bhatia MD (Paediatrics) has been appointed as the School Medical Officer.
His address is mentioned below.
Neo DStress Institute Pvt Ltd
C-1/2, Sector-31, NOIDA
Contact No. : +91 9810059996, 9910699606
Email Id :
A Canteen is functioning on the school campus where nutritious and hygienic snacks
and fruit juices are available. Aerated drinks are not catered for. A well equipped
kitchen offers a substantial variety of home cooked snacks under strict supervision.
The canteen is cleaned regularly to maintain the hygienic condition.