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“Practice kindness all day to everybody and you will realize you’re already in heaven now.” – Jack Kerouac


  • Event date: 11/12/2017
  • Total Photos: 8
Description: A workshop on safety and security was organised for the students of classes IX and XI by IIMT Group of Colleges. The aim of the workshop was to make the students aware about how to keep themselves safe and secure at home and school. The Resource Persons enlightened the students about the present scenario of the challenges related to safety and security faced by children, parents and teachers. They made the students understand that safety starts with awareness, Therefore they must always be alert and careful. The craze for video games among youngsters and their hazards were also discussed in detail. The students were encouraged to share their views and ask question on related issues. They were advised to follow traffic rules and refrain from driving till they possess a driving license. Use and misuse of social media was another point of discussion. The students learnt the importance of 'netiquette'. The session came to an end with a question and answer session where the students got an opportunity to clear their doubts. The workshop proved to be of great help for the students and it definitely made them understand that Safety should be their top priority.